
FrankNu empowers scientists, students and sci-tech startups to communicate their expertise by offering training and coaching.
FrankNu provides various training courses, workshops and (guest) lectures, such as popular writing, giving an oral pitch, writing press releases, dealing with the media, the basics of science communication and marketing yourself as an early-career scientist.

Getting Started with Science Communication
Learn the foundations and get up and running with science communication with ease!
FrankNu provides various (guest) lectures and inspiration sessions, such as the basics of science communication.

Getting Started with Science Communication
Learn the foundations and get up and running with science communication with ease!
Do you have a specific challenge ahead of you? An important presentation at a conference, an interview with the press, an opinion piece that you would like to submit to a newspaper, increase your visibility when applying for a scholarship or a job? FrankNu is here to help.
“Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” – Albert Einstein
When you have a specific goal that your want to achieve but you need help or feedback on specific communication aspects, then coaching is for you.
Say you have to give a keynote speech at an important conference and you know exactly what you want to say, but you’re not sure how to best get the point across and make sure your speech will have the impact you intend?
I can help you create a story that the audience will remember and help you deliver it with the right intonation and body language.
Do you have an interview with a journalist and you want to be well-prepared?
I can help you think about the message you want to convey and how to answer delicate questions. We can even practise an interview and I can give you feedback.
Do you want to submit an opinion article to a newspaper on an issue that you think is important for people to know about?
I can help you structure your text for the most impact or edit the whole piece before you submit it.
Increase your visibility
Do you want to increase your visibility as an expert in your field?
I can either make a marketing strategy for you or give feedback on plans you have yourself. We can do this once or over a longer period of time.
How do I work
These are just a few examples. If you have another case where you would like the feedback of a communications expert, please get in touch and we’ll explore the options. If you want, I will give you an obligation-free quote for my work after which you can decide if you want to continue with the coaching.
Why FrankNu?
Frank Nuijens combines general expertise in (online) communication about science and technology with a sharp (science) journalistic eye, a solid background in communication science and the motivation to make communication solutions innovative. I have over 25 years of experience in (science) communication as a communications manager, editor-in-chief, science journalist, lecturer and researcher.

The challenge
Whether you work at a university, college or knowledge institute, researchers are expected to share the results of their work not only with their colleagues but also with the general public, industry and politicians. For a scientific career to flourish, it is no longer enough to do excellent research, the researcher must make him-/herself a brand.
There is a lot to consider when starting a business in the science and technology sector: developing the product, looking for new customers and finding financing sources. All these tasks involve communication and marketing, which a small company can often use help with.
Museums, libraries and knowledge institutes often need support in communication and marketing around projects. For example when reaching potential visitors, or for fresh ideas to communicate about their product or project to a wide audience or a specific target group.
The solution
FrankNu has been working with scientists and engineers for over 25 years and knows their world and challenges like no other. I have gained extensive experience advising and training researchers in effectively translating and communicating their research to the general public, industry and politics. From my experience as a science journalist, editor-in-chief and communications manager, I know how to translate complex subjects to a wide or specific audience and to do so with the right message and strategy.
FrankNu has a passion for and expertise in transferring knowledge to and seeking interaction with the desired target group(s). Collaboration is often the key to a powerful story.
FrankNu helps (starting and experienced) academics, lecturers and entrepreneurs in the science and technology sector with training and coaching.
The tools of FrankNu
FrankNu has four core tools available for every communication solution: storytelling, connecting, innovating and imagining.
Storytelling is a common term in the communication world. And not without reason: storytelling is an excellent way to get a message across to different target groups. What if, for example, the Curiosity rover on Mars had kept a diary?
Some of the best ideas arise in collaborations, especially when they are multidisciplinary. Collaborations with partners or with the target audience. A brainstorming session with different stakeholders, each with their own perspective, can give a project new impetus.
The most frequently heard request to the communication professional is: make a press release, flyer and website. Sometimes that is sufficient, but often a more innovative mix of communication tools works better. As Frankwatching puts it: “Make sure that with your content you get the right story in the right form at the right time through the right channel to the right person.”
Text is powerful, but an image is often more powerful. Express your message with a photo, a video blog (vlog), an infographic or even a dance! In the words of Albert Einstein: “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”