About FrankNu

About FrankNu
Photo by Vlad Tchompalov / Unsplash

FrankNu Science Communication

Empowering Experts, Enhancing Engagement, Shaping Society šŸ—£ļøšŸ¤šŸŒ

Welcome to FrankNu Science Communication, where we help bridge the gap between scientific expertise and public understanding, engagement or participation.

Our Vision

We envision a world where scientific expertise is trusted, understood, and utilized by people of all backgrounds. By empowering experts to engage effectively with their audiences, we aim to strengthen the bond between science and society, ensuring that scientific knowledge and the scientific method are respected and valued across all educational levels.

Credit: SKAO/Paul Warpole

Our Mission

At FrankNu Science Communication, we are dedicated to empowering scientists, engineers, students, and researchers in all fields of science, including social sciences and humanities, as well as sci-tech startups. Through comprehensive training, personalized coaching, and hands-on workshops, we enhance their ability to communicate complex ideas and engage meaningfully with non-expert audiences. Our goal is to foster a culture of clear, impactful, and trusted science communication.

Our Core Values

Our work is guided by three fundamental values:

  1. Discovery:
    We embrace continuous learning, curiosity, and openness to new ideas. By actively seeking out diverse perspectives and experiences, we enrich our understanding of the world. We cultivate a spirit of exploration that encourages questioning assumptions and considering alternative viewpoints.
  2. Empowerment:
    We are committed to enabling others to achieve their full potential through training, support, and motivation. We promote equitable opportunities for all, recognizing and addressing barriers to participation in science communication. Our aim is to elevate underrepresented voices in science and engineering.
  3. Integrity:
    We uphold honesty, ethical behaviour, and consistency in all our actions. Building trust through transparent and ethical conduct is paramount to our work. We are committed to fair and inclusive practices in everything we do.

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At FrankNu Science Communication, our core values of Discovery, Empowerment, and Integrity are infused with principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). We believe that true discovery comes from embracing diverse perspectives, that empowerment requires equitable opportunities for all, and that integrity is demonstrated through inclusive practices.

By integrating these principles into our work, we strive to create an environment where innovation flourishes, individuals reach their full potential, and science communication becomes more accessible and impactful for everyone, regardless of their background.

About Frank Nuijens

Hi, Iā€™m Frank, the driving force behind FrankNu. My passion lies in helping scientists and researchers navigate the complexities of science communication. With more than 25 years of experience and a deep understanding of the field, I am dedicated to providing comprehensive training and coaching, ensuring that scientific knowledge is communicated clearly and effectively.

My journey began with biology studies at Leiden University in The Netherlands, where I initially aspired to a career as a scientist, conducting evolutionary morphological research. While I learned to love science and its methods, I discovered my true calling was in communicating science rather than conducting it. As a certified executive communication professional - the highest level recognized by Logeion, the Dutch organization for communication professionals - I specialize in making communication solutions both effective and evidence-based.

I believe that effective science communication can make a significant impact on our society, fostering trust in the knowledge of experts and a greater understanding and appreciation of scientific endeavors. Join me at FrankNu in making the world a better place through the power of transparent, ethical, and engaging science communication.

Credit: ASTRON/Ewoud Rooks

Join Us in Our Mission

Whether you're a scientist looking to improve your communication skills, or an organization seeking to bridge the gap between complex research and public understanding, engagement or participation, FrankNu Science Communication is here to help. Let's work together to make science more accessible, engaging, and impactful for all.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can empower you to communicate your expertise effectively and inspire change through science.


If you have any questions, you can contact me: